Continuing Education

Learning shouldn't stop just because you are not in school! Let's us help you in your creative endeavors with continuing education! We offer a variety of one on one classes from CNC and product development to CAD design software and hands on woodshop classes.

 ZOOM classes also available!


CAD- Rhino
CAD- Inventor
CAD- Fusion 360
Tool Basics
Table Saw Training
Woodshop for Women


Brooke M Davis
Davis is a university professor who teaches across multiple disciplines of design and making in 3D. Her expertise in CAD and CAM can help you with any project you can imagine!

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Rhino CAD Classes

Basic 3D Modeling Class (Rhino)- $ 600
6 - 2hr sessions (12 hrs total over 3 weeks)

This class is for beginners class who need assignments to help them learn how to use the tools. The class offers a basic understanding of the tools and principles behind 3D modeling. through comprehensive assignments. Students will explore 3D computer modeling techniques from solid modeling to surface modeling.

3 Day- Rhino Immersive Classes- $450
3 Days- 3hr sessions (9 hrs total)

This class offers a basic understanding of the tools and principles behind 3D modeling. Learn Rhino in 3 easy 3 hr classes- We'll get you up and running in no time to be able to create your own designs.

Advanced Rhino CAD Classes

Sub D Modeling Class- $ 450
3 Days- 3hr sessions (9 hrs total)

This class teaches the basic tools of sub D modeling and converting to polysurfaces, We will also look at shrink wrap and some of the more advanced tools in rhino like surface analysis

Fusion 360

Fusion 360 Fundamentals Classes- $500
5 Days- 2hr sessions (10 hrs total)

Learn the basics of Parametric Solid Modeling. We will cover saving conventions, adding team members, sharing documents, basic solid modeling tool functions, assemblies, and creating drawings


CNC Classes

2D CNC Basics Class-$600- 3 weeks 
Meets twice a week for 2hrs

This 3 week class teaches students- the basics of using the Shopbot 4' x 8' CNC Machine, CAM Programming using V Carve Pro for 2 ½ axis cutting. Techniques include 2/12 axis sign cutting, V Carving, image carving, and importing CAD from external sources.



Table Saw Basics- $110- 1-2hrs

Beginner class for those of you who would like to learn proper safety techniques for using a table saw. We will cover rip cutting , cross cutting, measuring techniques and posture for using a table saw!

Tool Basics Training- $220- 3hrs

This class is for beginners who are looking to learn how to use basic tools. We cover basic safety techniques for the Band Saw, Drill Press, Chop Saw, and Table Saw

Woodshop for Women- $220 3hrs

Based off the idea that women learn differently, than men, this woman's olny class teaches the basics of tools and the shop.